Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The first two days

Things were different from the start-- no music on the drive home from church. I did notice that I was more reflective and prayerful than I would have been if I would have had music. I think when I have music sometimes it is simply noise that allows my mind to go into neutral.

Monday I realized how hard it is in our culture to get away from some Christian stuff. I was in Subway at lunch meeting with someone when I realized Chris Tomlin was playing in the background. I don't know if that was cheating or not. I tried to ignore it!

Just wondering how the first few days are going for others. I think God is showing me things, but I am not sure how to put it into words yet. Sure, sounds weird for a preacher to not have words, but that is where I am right now.

Any thoughts you want to share? Post em in the response section.

1 comment:

  1. I will admit that it has been very weird for me as well. I will be the first to admit that there were many days (before this began) that I often did not read my Bible. However, now that I "can't" read it, I find myself longing for it. I guess it just proves that old saying that you don't know what you have until it is gone.

    Randal, I do have a question that I'm hoping that you have some insight on (or anyone else for that matter). I am struggling knowing how to truly be quiet and listen. I too have found myself being more prayerful during the day, but that is usually me doing a lot of talking to God leaving basically no time for him to talk to me. I have been trying to clear my mind completely and just be still and trying to listen. However, I find my mind wandering off. I find myself thinking about praise music lyrics, or slipping into asking God about things, or something that happened during the day, or something that I need to do later. So, I'm looking for some guidance or wisdom on how to truly quiet my mind so that I can listen.

